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Using Modals Correctly

Grammar: Using Modals

Level: Basic

Using Modals Correctly


Modals are verb forms that indicate different degrees of ability, obligation, permission, intention, and suggestion in English. They are typically used to express the speaker’s attitude or opinion on a situation or event. For example, you could use modals such as “must”, “ought to”, “should” and “could” to express a level of certainty, possibility, obligation, or permission. For example, you would use “I must go” to express certainty, “I could go” to express possibility and “You should go” to express a suggestion or advice. Additionally, modals can also be used to express probability as in “I may go” or “I might go”. Modals are an important part of English grammar and can be used to add nuance to your sentences. So it is important to use them correctly when speaking or writing in English in order to convey the intended message.

Watch the video to learn how to use these words correctly in English.

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